35 | 2022 DC Animated Movie Slate DC Fandome 2021 | DCAMS
At DC Fandome 2021, WB Animation announced the 2022 DC animated movie slate. Ben covers the Fandome news live from YouTube, the WB press release, and a short article covering the movie news from IGN. Catwoman Hunted kicks off the 2022 direct-to-video releases, along with 3 other features and a DC Showcase animated short.
🔴 Subscribe to our YouTube channel for the video from today’s episode, as well as more DCAMS coverage from DC Fandome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw10iUAICFQ&list=PLx98WhpFg6nyYHzgGwLpb0pxGNtR-T_MG
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-New episodes of Above and Batman Beyond drop every Monday.
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-DCAMS and ABB are part of the Comic Book Intl Network: @comicbookintl on all social media
-DC Animated Movie Show and Above and Batman Beyond are productions of Benjamin David Studios.
-Follow us: @dcanimatedmovieshow on Instagram and @BatmanBeyondMedia on Instagram and Facebook; @BatmanBeyondPod on Twitter
-DCAMS Host/Network Manager: Benjamin David, @benjaminofdavid on Instagram and Facebook, Email: batmanbeyondpod@gmail.com
-DC Animated Movie Show and Above and Batman Beyond are not official productions of Warner Bros. or DC Entertainment.